“Econo Box” (RETT) can serve as a Mailer, Display, or Storage Box
Can you make this box? Do you do custom? What’s the best price? Can I have it tomorrow?
Custom Box Design: Get Your Product Noticed
Whatever the first impression, whatever the brand imagine, awareness in packaging matters. CalBox can find the solution. We have reliable unique capabilities to meet or exceed most expectations.
The future success of your business is what ultimately determines the degree of success of our business.
Change Agents: For over 40 years, CalBox has earned an enviable reputation as one of the leaders in design engineering and prototyping of custom corrugated products. Our technical competence allows us to develop new shapes, styles, easy-to-open boxes, easy to-use ‘Attention Grabbers.’
Developing a WOW package – whether a Point-Of-Purchase (POP) display, or a special online shipping box – means blending form, function, and graphics that ideally captivates buyers while showcasing a product or brand.

- Accurate Color & PDF Proofing
- Data Management
- Full Color Mock Ups
- 3-D Renderings
- Library of over 2,000 Designs
- Instructional Sheets & Assembly Videos for Displays
- Premium Flat Corrugated Sheets (Right material for your order)
- Fulfillment for your product into our displays or boxes
CalBox l & ll have the capability to glue trapezoidal displays and any angled back edges.

CalBox l & CalBox ll have the capability to glue trapezoidal displays and any angled back edges.

CalBox Group
We are part of a Better Solution.