How to Get Started?
The number one step of any design solution is to determine exactly what your packaging needs are.
Corrugated Box and POP Display Designs
“The primary role of our corrugated boxes and displays is to contain and protect the contents. It is also a dynamic marketing tool to understand and foster genuine connections with buyers.”
John Widera, entrepreneur
CalBox Group
The future success of your business is what ultimately determines the degree of success of our business.

Packouts & POP Displays Drive impulse buys
Change in your packaging is the price of progress.
Build to Order is the new business mantra.
- Our customers are asking for quick turnaround, with no rejections, and smaller runs. Lead times are shorter than ever before. Why? Because their customers are asking for the same things.
- With our in-house capabilities, we design and manufacture the corrugated board, plus guarantee the box printing and the fit – while ensuring that timelines are met.
- Another technique is to get rid of the clutter. The simpler and clearer the basic design, the easier it is for consumers to perceive the message.

Examples of our Structural
and Graphic Designs on
corrugated boxes.
Here the whole solution is greater than the sum of the parts. That is our synergy.
We cordially invite you to meet with
CalBox Group
and let us help design to the packaging trend in
packaging design for your next project.

CalBox Group
We are part of a Better Solution.