How to Get Started?
We cordially invite you to meet with CalBox Group and let us help design the packaging solution to your next project.
CalBox Group
The future success of your business is what ultimately determines the degree of success of our business.
Build to Order is the new business mantra.
Our customers are asking for quick turnaround, with rejections, and smaller runs. Lead times are shorter than ever before. Why? Because their customers are asking for the same things.
With our in-house capabilities we design and manufacture the corrugated board, plus guarantee the box printing and the fit – while being On Time with Quality, and No Excuses.
Here the whole solution is greater than the sum of the parts. That is our synergy.
How to Get Started?
We need details, such as:
- Is this a new, old or current design ?
- What are the problems with the old design?
- Blank size?
- Quantity?
- Will it need testing?
- Weight of the product?
- What is the printing layout?
- Will it be litho-laminated?
- Glued, taped or stitched? Inside or out?
- Do you need a sample or a 3D drawing?
- What style of box or display?
- What flute specification?
- Special die cutting?
- What materials?
- Samples need to be customer approved before production.

CalBox Group
We are part of a Better Solution.