Superior CalBox Quality Control

Caring for details makes the difference because if we can’t understand something, we can’t measue quality products or services. Done right, superior quality reduces complaints, costs of refections, and lost sales.
The future success of your business is what ultimately determines the degree of success of our business.
Successful industrial companies have made a fetish of good housekeeping.Their plant aisles and exits are clearly designmated and clean.The machines,for lifts, and tools are clean,painted, and properly maintained. Management wants their employees to have an awareness of , and respect for, a safe efficient and quality working environment, which translates into a superior product. Respecting this culture develops a pride in cusmer care.This pride unlocks a desire for product quality and in turn mutual rewarding relationships.
CalBox Group’s Quality at our 5 manufacturing companies is more than a word or slogan - it’s a way of life. It is the number one consideration in everything we do and say.
The quality of the material we ship is entirely our responsibility. Your Quality Control will never be expected to substitute for our own. Instead, your efforts should be limited to a simple audit of our performance, workmanship, and adherence to blueprints and specifications. To this end, we maintain a record of our quality performance, expressed as a percentage. It is arrived at by comparing the total acceptable items received to those rejected (waste):

Number of Parts Accepted
Number of Parts Received x 100

Quality Performance =
Number of Part Accepted
Number of Parts Received x 100

Quality Control
To insure consistent quality controlled paper, we run random tests for caliper, edge crush, ring crush, flat crush, pin adhesion and basis weight measurements.
Why? The standard of customer acceptance keeps rising higher and higher.
The price is our best efforts – the reward, our continued success.
Chasing Box Quality Savings
‘On Time, with Quality’ are words we live by. After all, what good does it do to be on time if the product does not meet specification and gets rejected. Thus, on time deliveries with quality improvements is a continual process at the CalBox Group

CalBox Group
We are part of a Better Solution.